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The Future of Telematics – Meet the New Access

We have almost reached the end of 2018. I’m sure we have all accomplished something that we are proud of and probably have done something we wish we could forget. That’s all part of life; we grow, we act, we change, we adapt. At Access Control Group (Access), we are proud of our history, of great success and valuable lessons learned. But, we are also exceedingly enthusiastic for the future.

We want you to meet the new Access. No longer being represented by the vibrant, young color yellow, but now a modern, mature blue with hints of grey that represent the current stage of our company – abundantly experienced, technologically advanced and innovative.

A Look Into Access Control Group’s Past

From the beginning, we have believed in listening to our customers’ pain points to develop solutions that address those needs.

One of our earliest equipment management products, Vigilant, is still used to this day by many of our customers. The reason? It not only outlives two life cycles of equipment but also ultimately solves their problems the way they want.

From there, we have only grown as we continued to add new products that would bring us closer to our goal of offering a full line of fleet management tools that cater to any brand or any sized powered vehicle. With a simple and affordable product like VITAL, we have been able to scale a fleet manager’s time and efforts by automating much of the work that had been done manually before. One of our most popular products, ADVANCED, supports more robust fleets as it provides insightful data that enhances resource optimization efforts while also ensuring the safety of every worker and equipment. CellTrac and SMARTie have revolutionized battery management by providing workers with the data needed to take care of batteries for longer battery lifetimes effectively.

To round out our complete line of powered vehicle and battery management products we developed our business intelligence application, AssetPro 360, to display all of the data collected by our products in a meaningful view so managers could take the appropriate actions to optimize their fleet operations.

See What’s New for Access

Now that we have more experience, feedback and a comprehensive line of products that we can confidently stand behind (enough so that we offer a 2-year warranty), we are poised to start making improvements to our products so that you get even more out of being an Access customer.

Here is a look at some exciting updates you can expect to see over the next few months.

AssetPro 360 UI Update

We talk a lot about the importance of collecting data, but if you don’t understand or know how to use that data, it is effectively useless. That is why we have decided to update AssetPro 360s user interface with a cleaner design that presents the essential information about your fleet in a way that is both accessible and easy-to-understand. Our goal with this update is to support your operations by making it simple to quickly identify areas of improvement that could result in significant cost savings. 

* The AssetPro 360 UI update will be released later this year. Stay tuned for updates.

An Update to an Incredibly ADVANCED Product

ADVANCED has proven to be one of the most popular and user-friendly fleet management products that we offer to date, yet as we mentioned before, we believe there are always opportunities for us to continue innovating and improving. With one of ADVANCED’s core functions being to ensure the safety of both the equipment and operators, we identified an opportunity for improvement when it came to operator training.  

The equipment employees operate in the field is expensive. And the injuries that could result from new employees mishandling that equipment could be devastating. When new employees are first introduced to this equipment, they require a more supportive process to ensure accidents do not occur. That is why we have added a special indicator light to ADVANCED that will notify other employees that the person operating the vehicle is currently in training. By making everyone more aware of their surroundings, everyone can work together to ensure a safer working environment.

*This new safety feature will be available to all current and new Access customers this Fall.

New Way of Paying – “Telematics as a Service”  

Nothing is worse than paying for something you don’t use. That’s why we are introducing Telematics as a Service as our new revolutionary way of paying for and using your mobile asset management products. With this new service, we are eliminating the barrier of high upfront costs by offering an all-inclusive subscription-based option that only bills you for what you use. By consolidating everything to one price, small to large fleet owners no longer have to make a capital investment in hardware, software or IT infrastructure. And if needs change, services can be upgraded or downgraded at any time.

*Telematics as a Service is now available. Get in touch to learn more.

The Only One-Source Fleet Management Solution

Whether it is equipment, battery or operator management you are interested in, we want to be your partner as we will continue to support your efforts to optimize your operations. That’s why we are your All-In-One solution.

Many exciting changes are coming to Access Control Group in the next few months. If you want to be in the loop of everything that is happening and what is to come, make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter and check out our website for more information!